Pictures from the People’s Vote March

The People’s Vote March in London drew supporters of a People’s Vote on the Brexit deal from across the UK.

Estimates varied from 100,000 to 500,000, potentially making the People’s Vote march one of the largest and most peaceful protests in London in decades.

Whether you were able to attend or not, please don’t forget to sign and share the People’s Vote petition online

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Parliament is sovereign – but will it get a truly meaningful say?

In the British system of representative democracy, sovereignty lies with parliament, which means that MPs should have the final say on important matters of politics. 

This is why all friends of British democracy should welcome yesterday’s vote to amend clause 9 of the European Union Withdrawal Bill.  The passing of amendment 7 was a victory for parliamentary democracy, and marks an important first step by parliament to reassert its sovereignty and retake control of the important choices that this country has to make in the coming year.

But the passed amendment does not go far enough. While it will give MPs the choice of accepting or rejecting whatever the deal that the government may be able to secure, it does not yet offer MPs a truly meaningful say.

MPs are charged with acting in the interest of the country and their constituents, and for that reason they should be allowed to evaluate all the possible options for our future relationship with the EU.

To have a truly meaningful vote, MPs must also be given the choice of  voting to remain in the European Union. Help them take back control by signing this petition:


Article 50 should be withdrawn if no agreement with the EU is reached

This petition calls for the withdrawal of Article 50 by 1 September 2018 if no agreement on future relations between the EU and UK can be reached.

As it is certain that such a scenario will damage the country’s economy and the well-being of its people, this country should not leave without agreements that will prevent damage to both.

>>> read more and sign petition

Petition to EU Parliament under Art 227

Urge the EU to require a stronger mandate for Brexit from the UK Government

In contrast to the undemocratic image of the EU portrayed by referendum campaigners, it is a little known fact that every single citizen of the European Union can directly petition the European Parliament and be heard. There is no minimum signatory requirement and every petition will be responded to.

In light of Articles 10, 11 and 50 of the Treaty On European Union, and in accordance with Article 227 of the Treaty On The Functioning of The European Union, the undersigned hereby request that the Union requires the United Kingdom government to conduct a more rigorous domestic consultation, consisting of a second referendum, a parliamentary vote, or similar, before any application for withdrawal from the Union is entertained.

To read more or sign the petition please visit

NHS Funding Pledge Petition

Pay £350m per week to NHS or re-run EU Referendum

The only slogan on the side of the Leave EU campaign bus stated in large letters that if we left the EU, £350m per week could go to the NHS. The government has now stated that this will not happen so the reason thousands voted for Brexit and the democratic will of the people has been ignored.

Read More at:

Support the ‘Personal associate EU citizenship’ proposal

As you may have read, members of the European Parliament have proposed the kind of EU membership this petition asks for – one that lets UK citizens choose individually to remain part of the EU.

This is a great development, and to help it along The Pan-European have started a petition to show the amount of public support for this measure, and to ask European Parliament to approve the measure when it is debated this Spring.

If you want to see the proposed ‘personal associate EU citizenship’ happen, go sign the petition and show your support!

***UPDATE*** (15.3.2017)

Almost there! The petition just needs another 1000 signatures to reach its target of 300,000 signatures, so please add your name if you haven’t done so yet.

Also, please note that the Good Law Project based in Sevenoaks is running a petition on the same subject for submission to the UK parliament, so please sign that too:

We, Citizens of Europe


Freedom of Movement Petition

Continue to allow reciprocal freedom of movement with EU member states

Freedom of movement has been a fact of life for Brits and Europeans for many years. It’s a vital source of economic & social mobility for individuals, and one which benefits UK businesses & cuts red tape. Future generations should not be deprived of this right.

More Details

Challenging the Referendum Threshold

We want the government to explain why there was no threshold in the Referendum

TU strike ballots and countries voting on constitutional matters set a 2/3 majority for change. It’s inconceivable this didn’t have one. Was it because it was advisory, a purely consultative exercise not binding on this or any other government or was it just a careless,omission?


To see the government’s full response, please follow the link below:

“It was agreed that the referendum on the United Kingdom’s membership of the European Union would not have a threshold, but would be a simple majority vote. Both Houses of Parliament passed the EU Referendum Act, which approved this decision, with large majorities and cross-party support.”   >>> More Details

Add Euro Indexation to the State Pension triple-lock

► Stop the growing disparity between private pensioners (getting richer) and state pensioners (getting poorer).
► Stop the growing disparity between state pensioners (who are seeing their income fall in real terms) and those in work (who could potentially find new ways to compete).
► Don’t use powerless pensioners as an economic buffer to Brexit turmoil.
► As we cut loose from the EU and head back towards a boom-and-bust economy, please consider the true cost of Brexit and introduce this one little stabilizing mechanism.

Please click this link to see the petition and sign it: