SSTIE initiative in Canterbury leads to 50 Volunteers turning up*
The intention of the campaign in Canterbury was that we would take part in a door to door canvassing campaign to promote Rosie Duffield and in the event of bad weather that we would simply leaflet around houses.
In a rather chilly and windy Sevenoaks on Saturday 26th Jan 2019 SSTIE had 16 members and supporters out leafleting and canvassing for a people’s vote. We were also collecting signatures for the PV petition; 108 signatures were gathered which is a record for us in terms of interest in signing this petition and is a marker for the increasing interest in a People’s Vote.
Members reported another excellent morning on the streets of Sevenoaks – with a big majority of passers-by accepting leaflets.
SSTIE Brexitometer evidence shows that The demand for a People’s Vote is growing
Tonbridge 8th Dec 2018
SSTIE were aided on Saturday 8th December by some Tonbridge people from other groups and most encouragingly by several new people joining us at our Brexitometer. This bustle of people became a magnet for many passers by and drew many into discussions with us.
The results of our polling speak for themselves with 78% in favour of a People’s Vote and 73% in favour of No Brexit. These results echo what SSTIE has uncovered in the past fortnight in Swanley and Sevenoaks.
While parliament debates the Governments withdrawal agreement, Remain groups from across the country today took their Brexitometer results to a protest in Westminster to showcase the growing public shift towards Remain.
SSTIE have been conducting Brexitometer opinion-polls in towns across West Kent since spring 2018. During this time we have seen a growing shift in public opinion, not just against the specific withdrawal plans and arrangements, but also against the overall process of Brexit. This culminated last weekend in Sevenoaks, in which 89% of responders rejected the Withdrawal Agreement, and 81% wanted a vote on the final deal.
7 SSTIE Members take some of our our recent Brexitometer results to Westminster for Wednesday’s Brexit protest
Theresa May has said that there are 3 Brexit options : the Government’s deal , No deal and no Brexit.
On a very grey and cold day (24 Nov 2018) SSTIE set out to check what the people of Swanley thought about these 3 options. Swanley voted Leave by 70% in 2016 and so is an ideal place to check if attitudes are changing among leave voters.
By a significant margin the people of Swanley reject both of the deals on offer from the Government with more than half of them calling for No Brexit.
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55% of them call for No Brexit
16.5% support the Government’s deal
28.5% would prefer No Deal
(158 people took part in this survey)
In addition 65.5% of Swanley people seek a People’s Vote ( 148 people taking part in this survey)
This is the third time that SSTIE has surveyed attitudes to Brexit in Swanley over a period of 5 months and this latest poll confirms that a final say on the Brexit deal should be given to the people.
Around 2,400 people filled Central Hall Westminster tonight to drive home the case – made by 700,000 marching on the streets three weeks ago – for the people to have a Final Say on any Brexit deal.
The Brexitometer was out on Sevenoaks High Street on Saturday to ask the opinion of Sevenoaks shoppers. Stormy weather perhaps mirroring UK-EU negotiations. The results provided some pretty stark numbers:
Less than 5% of respondents thought Brexit promises would be delivered.
Less than 6% of respondents thought Brexit was going well
Only 16% of respondents would be happy with No Deal Brexit
Over 70% of respondents were in favour of a People’s Vote on the final deal.
One percent of the UK population converged on London this weekend in one of the biggest protest marches in UK history. Buses from Inverness, Truro and everywhere in-between. Standing-room only on Saturday trains to London. Expats flying home from across the continent to stand up and – finally – be counted. 700,000 people walked shoulder-to-shoulder to make our voice heard, and demand a people’s vote.